Saturday, July 31, 2010


i just spent 7 days at easton mountain sanctuary in upstate new york. it's a retreat center for queer men. it's impossible for me to describe the extraordinary, heart opening experience of my time there. i was there for multiple reasons. the first few days i was there on my own personal retreat, which just happened to coincide with the gay men's jewish retreat, nehirim camp. i'm not jewish, but they invited me into their workshops and rituals with open arms... and they invited me into their mud pit with 20 beautiful naked jewish men. it was so much fun!! for the majority of my time at easton mtn, however, i was there as a facilitator for the eros spirit camp. eros spirit camp is designed to help men explore spirituality and erotic energy in a safe & loving context. one of the workshops i offered during the week was called pin me down; guided wrestling, faux sparring and partner stretching. it was a blast. the above video is of a warm-up wresting match with my friend scott who is the resident summer gardener there.

the wrestling was so much fun that i've decided to start a wrestling practice. anyone want to wrestle me!?


  1. I hadn't heard of Easton Mountain. Very cool looking place.

    As for wrestling, I've never wrestled before. I'd love to give it a try.

  2. that's it doug! no experience necessary. all you need is a willingness to grapple and have fun doing!

    easton is an amazing place. i highly recommend it.

  3. @Doug: hey, if we talk him into it and get enough guys to participate - perhaps Roger can come to SW FL to do the workshop. I was there, and it was FUN! p.s. go to the Easton Mountain website: for more info about the place.

  4. yes yes yes! i'd love to come to florida to do this workshop...
