Wednesday, August 11, 2010


i’m in a wildly transitional place in my life right now. i just got rid of everything i own. i left florida to travel on the road for three months. i’m moving to boston at the end of september. i’m teaching at a new studio. i’m moving in with guys i don’t know. and my bank account is almost empty. this trip has has far exceeded my expectations of adventure, spontaneous experiences and human connections. but it hasn’t been all rainbows and glitter.

in many ways this extended road trip has forced me to take a good, deep look at myself, at how i show up in the world, at how i receive and spend energy and what the deeper inner voices are saying to me. i’m seeing my resistances & fears and how i distract myself from my life’s calling: to liberate the world. sounds ambitious, huh? ok, it might be, but i feel it in my bones, and i’m going to do everything in my power to follow this path. what’s the worse thing that could happen? i only liberate half the world? or the community around me? or myself?, which is the first step anyway-- stepping out of my own box, getting out of my own way, facing my fears, strengthening my courage and more & more saying YES to life.

i’ve always been interested in inspiring people, in liberating people, in helping others to step out of the box and into a world of expression and spontaneous living. there’s nothing that ignites me more than watching the people around me grow and transform and shine brighter and find fulfillment. inspiration is contagious. so when the those around me are inspired it rubs off on me, and when i'm inspired it rubs off on those around me. it's reciprocal.

it's impossible to find true liberation without seeing and acknowledging the shadow side, the dark side. we all have secrets and ugliness, pockets of shame, areas where we come undone and show our teeth. i’m interested in those parts, too. i'm interested in the truth. i’m passionate about creating a world that is based on compassion and mutual respect, and i realize that in order for that to happen the shadow has to be exposed, the truth has to come to the surface and art-- lots and lots of art-- has to be made.

want to join me in this mission? liberate yourself first! get out your art supplies and make something-- don’t worry about the outcome. go for a walk with your camera and snap photos of everything you see that catches your attention. put on some music and start dancing like a freakin’ idiot. sing-- belt out your favorite tune. put on something outrageous and wear it with flare! break through whatever it is that is stopping you from being you. stop allowing your fears to dictate how you show up in the world.

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