Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm at a cafe in Harvard Square today working on my computer. I'm not really supposed to be in Harvard Square. I'm actually supposed to be at my therapy appointment, but for some reason the train not only by-passed my stop but skipped four stops finally coming to a halt at Harvard Square. The attendant asked everyone to get off the train and to wait for the next one. Technical difficulties. I was already running late, and I had already woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

I got to the top of the stairs of the train station, stepped out into the clear blue air and instinctually I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. I felt relief and took another deep breath, which actually made me smile. I noticed that my chest was tight and I wasn't breathing down into my belly. So. I went for a walk around Harvard Square consciously breathing. Within five minutes I felt better.

Practicing yoga on the mat is the warm up for life. All the principles that are learned while stretching, twisting, reaching, extending, lifting, opening and sweating are just ways in which we explore how to be more joyful, peaceful and content in our everyday lives especially when our lives get turned upside down.

Breathe! It's the very foundation any yoga practice. That's all it takes sometimes. A deep conscious inhale down into the belly and a long slow exhale can soften the stress we can sometimes feel in our lives. Try it. Right now take a deep breath in and as you exhale see if there is some part of you that can let go a little. Soften your face, relax your belly... even relax your teeth and allow your jaw to soften. Then take another deep breath. Notice what happens after each exhale.

You can breathe anywhere you go:

~before, during and after a work meeting

~before walking in the door when you get home

~before you make a phone call-- any phone call

~while you're waiting in line

~sitting at a red light


~anytime you think of it

I've posted some small breathe "buttons" on my website to print out and post to help you remember to breathe. Post around your home, in your office, on your steering wheel, etc.. And send this link to everyone who needs a reminder to breathe, which is basically everyone!


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