Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This past weekend I took the train to Central Square to pick up some magazines for the Yoga and Art workshop I led at South Boston Yoga. As I stepped out of the station I saw a woman slowly making her way down the sidewalk witha walker. She stepped one foot about 6 inches forward. Then stepped the other foot up to meet it. Then pushed the walker forward. Then stepped one foot about 6 inches forward, stepped the other foot up to meet it and pushed the walker forward. This went on and on. My normal fast pace instantly slowed down. As I passed her I made eye contact with her and she smiled. There was nothing in her gaze or her smile that told me anything other than that she was happy. In fact, her eyes sparkled.

As I continued on to my friend's house I had tears running down my face thinking about the effort that it must require for this woman to simply leave her home and walk down the street. It is beyond what I'm actually able to comprehend given the ease at which I've always been in my body. What I do understand, however, is that beyond the limits of what we think brings us happiness is another way of being that allows for limitless joy. And that is the practice of being present with whatever our current experience is and learning to love what is. The Buddhist believe that all suffering comes from when we resist the truth of our reality.

Begin to notice thoughts that begin with "I wish" or "if only." They are flags that tell us that we haven't accepted the reality of what is true. Instead, when you have those thoughts replace them with "I will" or "I am." These words hold space for what is true in this moment while recognizing that change and growth are an inevitable and necessary part on this path towards wholeness.

What truth are you resisting in your life? What's one thing you can do to start to accept it?

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