Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Since my New Year's Day Personal Retreat I have been creating more art and doing more things to inspire me live a more creative and fulfulling life. There have been several things that have helped me move forward.

1. Create an intention. What do you want to inspire in your life? What makes you thive? What are you trying to cultivate? Write these questions down and then write stream of consciousness whatever comes to your mind. Take what you have written and try to pull out the essence in a few words or a phrase.

My intention this year is summed up like this "Create more art. Make more love." I have a larger explaination in my journal about what that actually means. When I see those words it reminds me of my intention.

2. Put your intention some where you can see daily. Tack it to a mirror or the fridge, hang it on the wall, put it on your dashboard. Put it anywhere you are likely to see it often.

The above picture I created in my journal. I printed it out and put it on my altar. I have it on my facebook page. And now I'm passing it along to you. "Create more art" has become my mantra.

3. Water regularly and watch it grow. Whatever your intention is make a point of bringing it more into your consciousness and into your life. Read books and articles about it. Watch videos (youtube and TED are great resources for short, digestible videos that inspire). Write about it. Talk about your intentions with your friends, your family, your co-workers.

I have my colored pencils, markers, paints and brushes, and my journal on my desk readily available. I've made an intention to put something in my art journal everyday. Today was one of those days where I felt completely uninspired. I opened up my journal and I drew a straight line across the page with a black marker. I sat there and just looked at it. Then I drew another line. and then another. and before I knew it I was using different colors and moving beyond straight lines. All in all i spent 10 minutes. The art itself wasn't anything to write home about, but the satisfaction I got from sticking to my intention lightened my mood and set my mind right. Well, as right as my mind can get!!

4. Get support. Tell your best friend or someone you trust what you are cultivating in your life. Ask them to help you by reminding you of your intention. Ask them to ask you about your progress. Talk to them about your successes your challenges, your joys and sorrow.

I have two very close friends who are huge sources of inspiration for me and they hold my intention for me when I slip away from it. And all of you help me hold to my intention. Every week I sit down to write this newsletter, which is an artful and satisfying process for me. It allows me to be creative and it helps me to feel connected to you.

I found this great passage on the tinybuddha.com website:

"We have to open our hearts to other people knowing they may not open up in return; give what we can when we can knowing it may not always be reciprocated; go after our dreams knowing sometimes we may fail; and through all the uncertainty, nurture a love for ourselves that doesn't depend on our conditions. We have to create from love if we want to create something we'll love."

Remember that making significant change requires practice. You will sometimes succeed and sometimes fail. Keep moving towards you intention regardless.

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