Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm sitting here at my desk looking out onto blue skies and a bright sunny day. From my apartment I look out over the tops of the trees and I can see the bay. We have headed into a deep freeze here. When I left my apartment this morning at 6am it was 10 degrees. I've acclimated to the cold, but it was still pretty shocking.

Last week I noticed that I had unconsciously slipped from my intention to create some piece of art everyday. My art journal ended up under a pile of things to do and bills, and I got sucked back into the day-to-day patterns that I'm familiar with. Out of the blue I got an email from a friend inviting me on an art date, which immediately re-connected me with my New Year's Intention: Create More Art. Make More Love. We met at a cafe in Central Square with our art supplies and spent a couple of hours drinking coffee and collaging. It was a delightful way to spend a cold Saturday afternoon.

When I got home I recommitted to doing some kind of art everyday. I cleaned off my desk, re-organized my art supplies and started fresh. I've created a piece of art everyday since then. I'm sure I will stray again from my intention. It's part of the nature of creating new pathways of creativity and developing ways of being that cultivate an ability to thrive.

Come, Come, Whoever You Are

Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow
a thousand times
Come, yet again, come, come.


How are you doing with your intentions? This is statistically the time when the excitement of our intentions fades and we slip back in to old ways. If that has happened compassionately recommit and start again. Or create a new intention. If you are still going strong then keep going!

Read the poem above and remember that no matter how many times you stray you are always welcome back on your path. Always.

You can see a gallery of my collages on the new Sacred Tremor Facebook page.

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