Thursday, November 24, 2011


Black Friday is coming up in just a few days.  I've been seeing hyped up, big blow-out, sale-of-the-year marketing campaigns everywhere.  Even the site I use to upload my photos has a blaring video announcing Macy's Black Friday sale.  At the same time I am also being sent links and seeing posts on Facebook and Twitter asking me to not spend a cent on Black Friday. So I ask myself, what do I do.  I appreciate the sentiment of the Spend-No-Money-On-Black-Friday protest, but I think there's a more practical and effective way to create change around how we spend money.  The slogan I created for myself is this:  You money is your vote.  What are you voting for? It means being conscious about what you are supporting with your dollar.  Before going out this holiday season to load up on gifts and holiday treats take a deep breath and consider what you are voting for.  Instead of shopping at Walmart or Target or some other big box store try making your holiday purchases at smaller, independently owned shops.   You might think about buying some of your holiday goodies from your local natural foods store. Whenever possible make the effort to choose consciously how you are spending your money and why. Talk it over with your friends, family and loved ones.

Doug and I have decided not to buy each other presents.  We decided that we would put whatever money we would spend on gifts into a fund for travel or for something that we do together.  We also want to honor the tradition of gift giving so we agreed to make each other something handmade.

Enjoy your holiday season however you like to celebrate.  Eat well.  Indulge some.  Give gifts from the heart, and remember that most often less is more.

Ps.  A unique gift idea might be sending someone an original piece of intentional collage art from The Sacred Tremor Project.  Click on blue link for more info!

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