"Dance until you shatter yourself." -Rumi

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Every year around the turn of the New Year I spend a full day in creative contemplation reflecting upon the past year and creating an intention for the year ahead.  This year, I spent two full days in that quiet space.  No electronics-- no phone, no computer, no facebook, no email, no texting.  Nothing.  I cleaned off my desk and spread out all of my art supplies.  I lit candles, burned incense, practiced yoga, meditated, journaled and created lots and lots of art.  The theme for 2012 came pretty quickly.  "Follow Your Bliss," which is part of a longer quote by Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." Using that as my theme I decided to create a small collage book as a visual reference for all the things that bring me bliss.  I've been adding something to it everyday.  More pictures of collage book below.
Here's to wishing you a CREATIVE year of FOLLOWING YOUR BLISS in 2012!

May you be happy.
May you be healthy.
May you be free.


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