Monday, April 2, 2012


I've been in Portland for 10 days.  Everyday I love it more and more.  A lot of people talk about how rainy it's been lately, but honestly I haven't noticed.  Perhaps it's the fresh perspective that a new environment, a new climate and new people inspires. Perhaps it's just that I like the quiet introspection that the rain creates in me.  Today, it's blue skies and sunny.

It's been fun wandering around the neighborhood checking out restaurants and thrift shops.  I've also been checking out different yoga studios.  The yoga classes here are strong and sweet.  The vibe is very laid back, which is quite different from most of the classes I took in Manhattan.  Yesterday, I took a class at Yoga Bhoga.  The instructor opened the class with the harmonium and a long sequence of Aum's.  Bliss.

I've been juicing every morning.  I alternate daily between a green juice and a red juice.  (Below are 2 of my favorite recipes.) I also drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (with the mother) stirred into a glass of water.  The results of the juice and apple cider vinegar is that I have a lot more sustained, steady energy that doesn't fade quickly or cause ups and downs like coffee.

I'd love to hear about your morning ritual, or a favorite juice that you have.  Write a comment when you get a chance.

My two favorite juice recipes:
kale, celery, cucumber, fennel, cilantro, lemon, apple, ginger.

Beet, carrot, apple, lemon, ginger.  (add something green if you like-- the beet greens are perfect for this).

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