"Dance until you shatter yourself." -Rumi

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The Spandananda Show:
A variety show of wonderments

Spanda - A sanskrit word for the sacred tremor or the creative pulse of the universe.

Ananda - Bliss.

Therefore, spandananda is the bliss we achieve when we are tuned in to that dynamic, creative energy that ignites our spirit.

The Spandananda Show is a variety show of wonderments leading us to greater health, vitality and joy.  Each week, a new episode will debut, all having to do with improving our ability to show up more fully in life.

Indulge your sense of wonder.  Create boldly.  Start now.

EPISODE 1 : Green Juice

Give your body what it needs to be a mean green creatin‘ machine!  Your body and your mind will jump for joy with all the nutrients that this lip-smackin’ green juice recipe provides!

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Sacred Tremor

Sacred Tremor
discover what moves you