Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The Spandananda Show : Episode 6 : Rut or Groove?

Is your potential energy stuck in third gear? Move from a rut to a groove with these five vivacious and contemplative exercises! With a refreshed state of mind, body, or outerwear, you'll be saying "so long" to your blue funk!


Getting outside instantly changes your perspective, especially if you have been inside for a lengthy time.   Dress up in your favorite outfit, and walk around the block if you only have a few minutes, or allow yourself more time by going to your nearby park to people watch, sky gaze, or journal.  Be an explorer with how you walk, letting your need for a variation of movement be the impetus that gives you the freedom to do this even with people around.  A slow, contemplative stroll?  A fast, energetic skip?  Try it backwards!  Is it an investigation into the children’s fortress?  Twirling round and round?   Let me tell you how much fun this is!  So, if it’s raining, bring an umbrella!  If it’s not raining, bring an umbrella!  Where do you sit?  At a bench, or on the Earth?  In lotus pose or lying down, fully relaxed?  Listen for your needs, and also be sure to take a risk and try something new!  And remember, you’re outside, so breathe in that fresh air!   


We all have art supplies, we just may not think of them as such.  Be creative, and use what you have.  Even if you just have magazines, scissors, glue, crayons or markers, there are an infinite number of ways you could use them to create a piece of art that reflects where you are in this moment.  What we’re going after is helping you to make sense of what you’re going through in a way that is outside of your head.  Do something you love, or try something you are totally unfamiliar with.  Perfection is not the goal of this exercise.  What you create may be abstract, or not fully understood by you, and that is the beauty of it!  Do it just for you and keep it private, send it to a friend, or post it on Facebook!


Ah yes…I really do mean it…DANCE!  Many people have a fear of dancing, when in all honesty, there is nothing more authentic than someone giving themselves permission to move their body in any such way that feels real.  We all have our “home moves” those movements that we feel comfortable with and will do if asked to dance, but I encourage you to vary the way your body typically functions through life, which is a dance in and of itself!  Choose some music:  one song, two songs, a whole playlist, or put your itunes on shuffle and come what may!  Shake, swivel, undulate, spin, bust a move!  A fast thrash, a slow riff,  a waltz or a polka…anything is possible!


All of us have costume elements that we pull out once a year for Halloween. Dressing up is not just for a holiday!    Elevate your spirit of fun and frivolity by painting your face, putting on a mish-mash of colors and textures, and do a  photo shoot!  If you are really adventurous, do the shoot with a friend on the street, to fearlessly bring more creativity to yourself and anyone you come in contact with!
Talk about a mood changer!  Having a mask or goggles can really allow for further freedom, as no one knows who you are!  Be safe and respectful of course, and interact! 


Take the time to create a lovely space, which could easily consist of one or more of the following: a shawl, cushion, yoga mat, a candle.  Clear your mind and sit in viparita karani  or lie in savasana.  Just be with your mind still, or pay attention to the thoughts and sensations as they come and go.  Keep experiencing!

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