Monday, December 27, 2010

ROGER WRITES | Be Aware. Be Awake.

Suheir Hammad writes:

Do not be depressed. Depression is a weight we cannot afford to carry right now. There are plans to make, and hopefully, plans to put in action. Why are so many people voting against their best interests in favor of letting fear guide their politics? Fear has won this round. We will need all our resources not to fall to it. There is nothing to be gained from becoming the victim of a weight that is not ours to carry. Breathe - sigh. And get that dirt off your shoulders.

While I am constantly shocked and awed by what a few people are doing with the power they have, I feel like I pretty much know what I’m working with here. We must practice Fortitude. Compassion. We must remember this country has always had a radical tradition of dissent. This will be the legacy we leave. We will be even louder. Write even better. Live even fuller. We will not be bought into a de-habilitating stupor. We will not be medicated beyond awareness. Alongside that fear you are feeling, is an adrenaline rush. We know now, it is the very soul of our planet and collective humanity we are trying to save. Nothing less.

Do not be depressed. Be aware. Be awake. Be resistant. Be your ancestors. Be your future. Be alive. Be alive.

In the first line of her first poem in Mary Oliver's new book she writes, What can I say that I have not said before? So I'll say it again.


What can I say that has not already been said. Do not be depressed. Be aware. Be awake. Be resistant. Be your ancestors. Be your future. Be alive. Be alive. Take this to heart and begin it. Stand up for the things that are important to you. Let go of the things that bog you down. Jump up and down for joy. Give yourself permission to experience unrestrained excitement! Get out your book of gratitude and start your list. It will be long. Write your name at the top of that list.

Get out your scissors, your glue, crayons, paint, brushes, needle & thread and make art. It might be a big blue dot in the center of the page. It might turn out bad. Who cares! Stimulate your creativity in anyway you can. You are worth it. Spend more time believing that.

It's been said before and in many ways. Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" (Mary Oliver). What do you want to remember about your life when the dark shadow comes to your door? You will most likely not wish that you spent more time at the office, worrying about the future, shopping, etc.. The things you want to remember are the times you laughed so hard you almost peed your pants (or maybe you did!), the most amazing sunset that turned the ocean to gold, the days you spent making art with your best friend... You know what I'm saying.  It's been said before.

What turns you on? What makes you come alive? 

Here's the start of my list:
-the color magenta and things that sparkle
-arts & crafts
-thrift store shopping
-lighting candles and listening to music
-hiking in the mountains

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I returned to Boston yesterday from an incredible weekend in Tampa. When I stepped out of the airport the snow was coming down in large, joyful flakes. The snow continued to come down all the way into the night. As I lay in bed last night with the snow blanketing the world outside I hugged the covers up 'round my neck and I read from Mary Oliver's new book of poetry, Swan. Every poem in this book is an instruction on being present to the incredible mystery of life and on waking up to the infinite amount of joy available everyday if we just pay attention! I admire Mary Oliver's wit, honesty and example. When I read the above poem-- for the umpteenth time-- I cried. I cried because I have a beautiful life and because I sometimes forget just how incredible life is.

Today is the Solstice-- the darkest night of the year. I'm celebrating today by keeping track of all the things that I'm grateful for. I'm carrying around my gratitude journal and everytime something happens that I'm grateful for I write it down. Everytime I remember something that I'm grateful for from this past year or from my long lived life I write it down. The list is growing and growing. Things that I never thought I'd be grateful for are suddenly ending up on the list. The most profound thing that I'm realizing is that there is actually nothing that I'm not grateful for. Nothing. When I had this thought a few hours ago I wrote on a new page of my journal: Things I'm NOT grateful for. Everytime I've gone to write something on that list I realized that there was actually something in that to be grateful for and I added it to the gratitude list.

"Joy is not made to be a crumb," and neither is gratitude. As the year comes to an end I encourage you to get a journal and write on the front of it: GRATITUDE. Write in it everyday. It doesn't matter how small or large the feeling of gratitude. Write it down. And when you write down someone's name in this list let them know in someway-- a card, a phone call, a text. When you see your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors hug them and say, "I'm so grateful for you."

If you were next to me right now I'd be wrapping my arms around you and whispering in your ear, "I'm so grateful for you!"

Monday, December 13, 2010


One of the first things I do when I settle into a new place is create a sacred altar. Altars help keep me grounded on my spiritual path. In many ways everything in my life becomes an altar. The way I put my fruit in the basket, the way I keep my self-care products arranged, how I fold my clothes (um, when I fold my clothes), etc.. Basically, every flat surface in my space becomes an opportunity to create something special and beautiful. Just like me my altars are constantly evolving and changing. I'm always adding, rearranging and removing things so that my altars are a current reflection of who I am and what I am inspiring in my life.

Altars serve many purposes. They can invoke our imaginations, hold our intentions and remind us of our spiritual path. Oftentimes, an altar holds space for all of those things. You can create an altar anywhere you like. It's best if it is some place that is special to you, a place that you see often.

Things to consider as you create an altar?

~What am I creating in my life?

~What brings me peace?

~Who or what inspires me?

~What am I grateful for

~What am I honoring in my life?

What to put on your altar?

~sacred objects

~pieces of nature-- a stone, seashell, leaf, etc.

~religious or spiritual figures or icons

~a poem, inspiration quote or collage

~a plant, picture or piece of candy

~any object that you find beautiful or special

~anything that inspires you or holds your intentions

Most importantly, when creating an altar let your imagination run free. Let your altar be a creative reflection. Don't let your altar become stale or neglected.

Enjoy creating your sacred space.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


On Thursday while I was at South Station bus terminal in Boston waiting in line for the Peter Pan bus for a weekend trip to New York City another bus came into the station with a broken horn that was blaring without pause. The sound of a bus horn reverberating off of the walls of the bus terminal is enough to drive anyone crazy. It went on and on and on. There were about 30 people in line waiting for the bus, and slowly agitation started to set in. Five minutes later people started to get anxious. Ten minutes later I became worried that someone was going to explode. I closed my eyes and tried to just breathe, but the sound of the blaring horn overwhelmed me.

There was a woman in front on me who must have 70 years old. She turned to me and said, "if you sing with the sound it won't be so bad." I told her that I thought it was a great idea to which she looked me in the eye and replied, "so let me hear it." I had an immediate knee jerk reaction of resistance. You want me to sing in the middle of the bus terminal to the sound of a broken bus horn? Then, reaching down and finding the courage to be foolish, I belted out a sound that more resembled the sound of AUM than anything else. She broke into sound with me. Together we started to harmonize with the sound, and the grating horn quickly turned into one part of a three part harmony. We laughed and sang and made sounds. I was having so much fun that I forgot that we were standing in line at a busy bus terminal, and the sound of the horn became a doorway into spontaneity.

We stepped onto the bus gaily. All throughout the trip I felt connected to this woman. Every once in a while we would catch each others glance and smile.

The lesson here is quite obvious. It's the old story of turning lemons into lemonade; taking a potentially negative situation and responding in a new way. It reminded me that though I may not have control over what goes on around me I do have control over how I respond. This woman was an angel.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


For a long time I’ve dreamed of living in community with other gay men in a big house. Since moving to Boston that urge has gotten stronger. A lot stronger. So I’ve started to be more intentional about making it happen. The first step has been to create a vision of what I want, and since I’m a very visual person I started to create a collage book. If you are interested in living in community and what you see appeals to you then write me an email and let’s share thoughts, ideas and inspirations.

Monday, November 29, 2010



Mary Oliver

It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don't try
to make them elaborate, this isn't
a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.

Whatever it is you are doing right now take a moment to pause and to pay attention. Notice what is around you. Notice your body. Notice your breath. If you are in a safe place (meaning not driving, not walking a tight rope, etc.) you might consider closing your eyes. Taking a moment to pause and to just simply notice what's present is one of the most important things you will do all day. It's an opportunity for the quieter voice of your longing to be heard. The voice of your soul requires a different kind of listening, a listening that comes from becoming present and just simply paying attention.

What is your intention today? What are you wanting to create or inspire? Take a moment to listen. Then follow Mary Oliver's advice: patch a few words together and don't try to make them elaborate. Write it down in the simplist way you can. Or doodle it. Or cut a word out of a magazine. Post it on your desk, on your mirror, somewhere so you will see it and be reminded of it. Write it on your hand. Call a friend and confess it out loud. Or post it on facebook! Become accountable to your soul. Take one step toward your longing, toward whatever it is that makes you thrive no matter how small or humble that step is. Remember that the first step-- the most important step-- is just to simply listen.

This is what I wrote at the top of my journal this morning after my meditation. I re-wrote it on a small piece of red paper and taped it to the side of my computer (see pic above):

Keep your heart open and remain vulnerable.

This is the way to deeper happiness.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Watch this 5 minute video. There’s nothing left to say. If this doesn’t motivate you to stretch and start practicing yoga I don’t know what will.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I was recently at Citizens Bank here in Boston to make a deposit. As I was waiting for the next available teller I noticed this sign:


Behind every

good citizen

is another

good citizen.

(Why not turn around and say hi?)

I was excited by this. How wonderful that a bank would ask you to turn around and introduce yourself to a stranger. It's the way I imagine the world to be. When the need for self-reliance and hyper-independence gets softened by the recognition that we all have a need for interconnection and a sense of community we have a greater sense of belonging. When our need for connection is met we feel happier, stronger, and more confident. It gives us support to thrive, to be more creative and to accomplish the things we want to do. It's important to recognize that we can't do it alone-- whatever "it" is. And it's empowering to turn around and make a connection. It's empowering because it makes us vulnerable, and it's our vulnerability that makes us brighter, more radiant, more available and more human.

I've made it my intention to interact with the world more. I've started greeting the person behind me in line with a friendly hello. I introduce myself with my first name and eye contact. I strick up a conversation with the person behind the counter. The truth is there hasn't been one instance since I've started doing this intentionally that I haven't been immediately greeted with a smile. In most cases the person I'm greeting brightens and interacts back.

The other day I was at the grocery store and I asked a woman where to find tahini. She immediately said, "I don't work here." I replied, "I know, but I thought maybe you might be able to help me. I've never been in this grocery store, and I feel a little lost." She smiled. She didn't know where it was either, but she took me to where she thought it might be. She asked me what I was going to make with it, and we started talking about our favorite foods. We found the tahini together. I walked away feeling lighter and happier, and I imagine that she did, too. I've thought about her several times since then remembering her face and her soft eyes. I've been back to that grocery store a couple of times since then and each time I wonder if I'll see her.

What I've noticed is that it's especially on the days that I feel grumpy and disconnected that I keep my head down and pull away from the world, and it's those exact moments when human connection is what I need the most-- even if it's just a moment of eye contact or a smile.

Be yourself. Smile. Make eye contact. Interact with the world.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Are you too old?


If you're one of those people who uses the "I'm too old" excuse to get out of thriving and living life fully then it's time to let it go. You're never too old and it's never too late to reach out towards the things that bring you joy and enliven your spirit.

This granny is my inspiration!

Watch Video Now

Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm at a cafe in Harvard Square today working on my computer. I'm not really supposed to be in Harvard Square. I'm actually supposed to be at my therapy appointment, but for some reason the train not only by-passed my stop but skipped four stops finally coming to a halt at Harvard Square. The attendant asked everyone to get off the train and to wait for the next one. Technical difficulties. I was already running late, and I had already woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

I got to the top of the stairs of the train station, stepped out into the clear blue air and instinctually I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. I felt relief and took another deep breath, which actually made me smile. I noticed that my chest was tight and I wasn't breathing down into my belly. So. I went for a walk around Harvard Square consciously breathing. Within five minutes I felt better.

Practicing yoga on the mat is the warm up for life. All the principles that are learned while stretching, twisting, reaching, extending, lifting, opening and sweating are just ways in which we explore how to be more joyful, peaceful and content in our everyday lives especially when our lives get turned upside down.

Breathe! It's the very foundation any yoga practice. That's all it takes sometimes. A deep conscious inhale down into the belly and a long slow exhale can soften the stress we can sometimes feel in our lives. Try it. Right now take a deep breath in and as you exhale see if there is some part of you that can let go a little. Soften your face, relax your belly... even relax your teeth and allow your jaw to soften. Then take another deep breath. Notice what happens after each exhale.

You can breathe anywhere you go:

~before, during and after a work meeting

~before walking in the door when you get home

~before you make a phone call-- any phone call

~while you're waiting in line

~sitting at a red light


~anytime you think of it

I've posted some small breathe "buttons" on my website to print out and post to help you remember to breathe. Post around your home, in your office, on your steering wheel, etc.. And send this link to everyone who needs a reminder to breathe, which is basically everyone!


Saturday, November 13, 2010


I just finished reading this extraordinary collection of essays by Barbara Kingsolver. These essays speak to the heart of what’s going on in the world. She isn’t afraid to challenge her readers to think outside of the culture norms and pigeonholes that keep us blind to the truth. She simultaneously writes with tender vulnerability and hope without shying away from the realities of living in the world today.

I encourage you to read this book allowing each essay to touch your heart and inspire you lto live more fully and consciously in the world.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


The most common question I get is, “What is Yoga Groove?” I oftentimes joke saying, “It’s like a yoga rave without the drugs and alcohol,” but in reality Yoga Trance Dance is so much more than that.

Yoga Groove is a pathway to greater freedom in your body and in your life. It’s an invitation to explore the unlimited potential of movement and to transform yourself through rhythm, music and breath. The journey begins with the stillness of meditation to invoke reverence, gratitude and peace. It's from the still place that this experience unfolds, your spirit ignites and the ecstatic dance erupts. Yoga Groove awakens spontaneity and creativity, and opens the door to a deeper, more profound happiness that comes from fully inhabiting your body.

People have been dancing since the beginning of time. Our ancestors danced for every occasion. They danced to celebrate, to grieve, to worship; they danced for healing, for rain, for prosperity; they danced to express the unexplainable, the unspeakable and above all they danced to express the Great Mystery. Yoga Groove invites us back into the dance and into a greater connection with the larger, organic rhythms that we are unavoidably and undeniably a part of.

I am grateful for many teachers who have guided me on this pathway of discovery. I can’t write about Yoga Groove without talking about one of my greatest teachers, Shiva Rea, who created Yoga Trance Dance, and who transformed the way I practice yoga. You can learn more about her at

Sunday, September 5, 2010


this is the collage i made today in the spiritual doorways workshop.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


last night's yoga groove was wicked fun. feeling a lot of love today. still vibrating. full of gratitude.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Come, come whoever you are...

YOGA GROOVE is upon us and ReMiXeD.


Friday, Sept 3

7pm @ the lotus POND | TAMPA

Sign up Now!

THEME: Celebrating the ephemeral light of summer and the unstoppable movement toward longer, darker nights...

a.k.a. a reason to bust a move

COLOR: WHITE | Lady GAGA style


more info at:

PS for those of you in NEW ENGLAND we are gonna ROCK IT at


Saturday, Oct 2nd.... details coming soon!

Thursday, September 2, 2010



the behind the scenes of how i got everything i own in the backseat of my truck.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


spent the weekend in provincetown. found this spontaneous art installation on the beach at herring cove. it was made out of all found objects: drift wood, shells, stones and red seed pods found all along the dune trails.

i love making art out of found objects. whether you live in the city or in the country creating art with objects found on the ground is easy.

please post some of your favorite sights for found art... here are some cools sights for found art and inspiration:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


i’m in a wildly transitional place in my life right now. i just got rid of everything i own. i left florida to travel on the road for three months. i’m moving to boston at the end of september. i’m teaching at a new studio. i’m moving in with guys i don’t know. and my bank account is almost empty. this trip has has far exceeded my expectations of adventure, spontaneous experiences and human connections. but it hasn’t been all rainbows and glitter.

in many ways this extended road trip has forced me to take a good, deep look at myself, at how i show up in the world, at how i receive and spend energy and what the deeper inner voices are saying to me. i’m seeing my resistances & fears and how i distract myself from my life’s calling: to liberate the world. sounds ambitious, huh? ok, it might be, but i feel it in my bones, and i’m going to do everything in my power to follow this path. what’s the worse thing that could happen? i only liberate half the world? or the community around me? or myself?, which is the first step anyway-- stepping out of my own box, getting out of my own way, facing my fears, strengthening my courage and more & more saying YES to life.

i’ve always been interested in inspiring people, in liberating people, in helping others to step out of the box and into a world of expression and spontaneous living. there’s nothing that ignites me more than watching the people around me grow and transform and shine brighter and find fulfillment. inspiration is contagious. so when the those around me are inspired it rubs off on me, and when i'm inspired it rubs off on those around me. it's reciprocal.

it's impossible to find true liberation without seeing and acknowledging the shadow side, the dark side. we all have secrets and ugliness, pockets of shame, areas where we come undone and show our teeth. i’m interested in those parts, too. i'm interested in the truth. i’m passionate about creating a world that is based on compassion and mutual respect, and i realize that in order for that to happen the shadow has to be exposed, the truth has to come to the surface and art-- lots and lots of art-- has to be made.

want to join me in this mission? liberate yourself first! get out your art supplies and make something-- don’t worry about the outcome. go for a walk with your camera and snap photos of everything you see that catches your attention. put on some music and start dancing like a freakin’ idiot. sing-- belt out your favorite tune. put on something outrageous and wear it with flare! break through whatever it is that is stopping you from being you. stop allowing your fears to dictate how you show up in the world.