"Dance until you shatter yourself." -Rumi

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Spring is in fully swing. The nights and mornings are still chilly, but the days handsome with the warm light holding space for some inner unfolding. The sun and the blue sky and the incredible quiet lingers around the mountains like an invitation to listen. Space and time are different here. Most of the time I have no idea where my phone is. I wake up with the sun. I practice yoga. I drink coffee. I work. I play. In between there are these incredibly sweet moments to make connections with the other residents, volunteers and guests.

Today I did a neti pot demonstration for the volunteers who'd never done it before, and then everyone got to try it. I wore my "neti pothead" shirt, of course. Worked all afternoon, and now getting ready to plan for a spontaneous parade down the driveway. No one is here so the parade is just for those of us in the parade.

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